You can't get to your future,
while your past is still present.
Contact Clear Mind Counselling
Something on your mind, but you're not sure how to mention it?
Something you're avoiding talking about?
We often don't want to talk about things that are difficult, so avoiding the subject is easier. It's better that way. Right? Wrong! ​The thing we avoid is usually the key to unlock our future healing. So, if you're avoiding talking about whatever is concerning you face-to-face, remote counselling is the perfect solution for you.
If you have any questions about counselling, the process,
how we would begin our sessions, or anything else that springs to mind,
please fill in the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like a free 15 minute telephone consultation to share your concerns with me,
please contact me so we can arrange a time which bet suits you.
Thank you, take care and stay safe.
Remote counselling may not be appropriate for someone with complex mental health issues.
If you are in crisis or in need of immediate help,
please dial 999 (or your country's emergency number),